Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Another highly devout conservative arrested for a weird sex-based perverted crime.
Senator Larry Craig, a
'conservative' Republican was arrested for lewd conduct
in a Minnesota airport men's restroom in June.
It marks the second such arrest for a Republican elected official in the past couple of months.
It also marks another amazing example of hypocrisy on the part of the Republican Party.
The Roll Call article describes, in detail, the encounter that resulted in Craig's arrest.
I had no idea there was an entire 'code' for seeking a bathroom encounter.
But it appears that Larry Craig did. He actually plead guilty to lewd conduct and paid a fine.
He remains on probation in the State of Minnesota (and should be).
Personally, I am so sick of every politician claiming to be religious, an active devotee of prayer, and a regular church goer in order to get elected, I could puke.
Can we please just end the hypocracy?
Just one...All I ask is that just one presidential candidate tell the truth.
About anything.
It's not that hard. I do it all the time.
Do it enough and it might just become second nature, even to a politician.
And you know what? The public will be attracted to you.
You would be a rare commodity. You will be a leader.
Senator Craig, now that his secret is out...claims he was not "outed."
He in fact is a full "blown" heterosexual, whose only misgivings was pleading guilty to a melicious charge from those who have "been out to get me."

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