Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Loose thoughts about the political races so far...

Enjoyed the debate last night between Obama, Edwards and Clinton. Very polite and subdued. Sitting them around the table seemed to help. There were some body blows, but no heavy punches landed, and certainly no knock out punches even attempted, far less delivered. My personal opinion? Hillary won this one (and I am calling the caucus for her as well--a full week ahead of the event), she had the facts at the ready, and appeared calm and confident. Edwards continued in his scrappy, bulldog, little guy posture, which is getting overwhelmingly negative, and simply will not work with the electorate. Obama looked like a little boy compared to Hillary. Someone forgot to tell him to bring his testicles last night.
Yes, the unions in Nevada (at least the culinary union and the service workers unions) have left the Clinton family and supported Obama. But don't you Clinton supporters worry about that; both unions are heavily Hispanic, and Hispanics have never shown the willingness to vote for an African American....besides the Clinton campaign is pulling heavily from white women, the poorer class and the undereducated as well. Once you separate those classes from Nevada, who's left? Certainly not a majority of the Democratic voters.
Over on the other side of the aisle, Romney is getting some real buzz for his performances of late. He looks certainly looks presidential, and has loosened up to a certain degree. And let's face it, if we continue to see some success in Iraq (at least a slowdown of violence on the evening news), the voters eyes will be on domestic issues, and that means the current economic situation, and that should give Romney a nice little bump in the polls. Who better to run the economy on the republican side than Mitt Romney? He did found a company based solely on their ability to build wealth for others...he understand business theory and practice like no one else running on either side.
If the surge does keep working, if the news quiets down in Iraq, what effect will it have on the Democrats who are pushing an immediate pullout of troops next year? Will the voters connect the dots with another precipitous pullout in somewhat of a defeat (Vietnam)? It is time for the Dems to move their rhetoric onto the economy, just like Romney did and carried Michigan because of it. Clinton has been all over it the past week or so, but every time she comes out with a plan, it costs another 50 to 100 billion. She has to remind every one where she is going to get her cash to run these programs, mainly taxing the incomes over $250,000.00.
Finally, you have to wonder where on earth could you find 500 voters to vote for Mike Gravel? You would have to have the average IQ of a competitor on Survivor or one of the girls on Deal or No Deal to actually want to go out and vote for Mike Gravel. I don't care if Obama and Edwards names were taken of the ballot. I don't care if your only other voting options were Hillary, Kuchinich, undeclared and none of the above. Mike Gravel? Maybe your time would have been better spent forgoing the Michigan primary, and checking into some good trade schools, or picking out a nice frame for your GED.
And that is the "World According to Kimba" Thanks for reading

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