Sunday, January 27, 2008


As a record number of "I voted" stickers were handed out yesterday in South Carolina, Barack Obama, fueled largely by getting 81% of the black vote, scored a very impressive win, doubling the vote count by his closest opponent. Although the win count exceeded any ones expectations up to yesterday, it should be pointed out that it was only South Carolina, folks.

On CNN, the network who touts they have "the best team in politics", gave gloom and doom scenarios for the Clinton campaign as a result of the exit polling they got in South Carolina. Of course they also gave us the wit and wisdom of William Bennett, who was quoted as saying..."the Clinton's, I just wish they would go away forever." He then did ten minutes on exit MUSIC played for each candidate, and the deep meaning associated to each. After listening to the first five minutes of his ramblings, I can only assume he travels with Rush Limbaugh's medicine chest.
But, before we place any undue importance of this primary,
let's remember three important things.
1. South Carolina is the deep south, and heavily black. Obama was picked to win this state long ago. Let's not be naive. Obama has the speaking ability of a fine Southern baptist Minister, and that plays in the rural south. It is only natural that when seeing an opportunity, a once in a lifetime opportunity to vote for one of their own for President, they would jump at the chance. That is not race, it is human nature. I am not surprised that he got 81% of the black vote, I am surprised that 19% didn't vote for him. That's the story for me. Almost one-fifth of his own people turned their backs on him.

2. Dominating any non-white voting block won't get you elected in November, period.
3. A win for Hillary in S.C. was beating John Edwards in his home state, period.
And number four....did I say there was a number four?

4. It is fucking South Carolina!!! This is the state who voted for Jesse Jackson....twice!! CNN exit polls show the people who voted for Obama valued "experience and electability" dead last (single digit percentages). They don't care about electability, they are going to be screwed no matter who gets into the White House. They will continue to be highly uneducated, and have high instances of poverty regardless. This was their day in the sun, and they took it (81% of them anyway). Personally, I am glad for them. And, I am glad that they are drawn into the voting booths, but lets not read anything earth shattering into this primary. It would be mind bogglingly stupid to think that SC has importance, and the votes in Michigan and Florida don't count.
The picture below is South Carolina, folks. "Scooter," polling supervisor for his local area, will watch your huntin' dawgs while you vote. Just go inside, friend. But a word of caution, if the polling booth you pick inside has a hole in the floor, that ain't for voting', that's for a-peeing.
Let's be serious, in South Carolina, CHANGE is what they do to their underwear every Sunday morning. Get real, would you.......

And finally, here is South Carolina as told by one of their honor students at the Miss Teen contest........

And that is the world,

According to Kimba. Thanks for readin, y'all !!

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