Sunday, April 18, 2010


I love protests, I love anyone in this country who cares enough to form an opinion....if it is an informed one. But criticism for criticisms sake with no solutions offered is just whining, which is exactly why I think these zealots either need to come up with a solution, or shut the f*ck up.
Take a portion of their platform...smaller government and a reduction of taxes. Makes sense to me, where do I sign up? AND this is easily done...we just have to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan, avoid an armed conflict with Iran, raise the eligibility age for Social Security and Medicare, and we can reduce the deficit and lower taxes...and reduce the size of government. Where do I sign up?
Oh wait, the Tea Party is actually against reducing Medicare and the raising of the age for Social Security (their supporters are..let's be kind and say "mature"), and FOR the dual wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as taking a hard line on Iran (and who knows where that will lead us) considering these are overwhelmingly our largest expenditures, how exactly does that work? Hello.....tea partiers, hello? Anybody?
They want to end any socialist program to help the poor and disadvantaged, yet seem to forget that is what Social Security and Medicare does (programs that do not pay for itself since long ago in the bubble generation) about we drop you sorry asses from these would save a fortune, and the savings could be used to reduce taxes for everyone.
They are decidedly anti-Obama (with insultingly immature signage and slogans) and his spending, but fail to remember his one year performance was overwhelmingly affected by the sorry state of the economy he inherited from his predecessor (and his multiple tax cuts, pathetically run wars with massive amounts of funds still unaccounted for, his unfunded mandate called Medicare-D, and two sorry attempts at regime change in the Middle East).
They want government to stop as they say "rewarding failure" I can only imagine this means an end to lunch programs in school, unemployment insurance, welfare, food stamp programs, and the like. And I can get on board....because my religion says screw everybody. I have long said this country would be better off with more people starving and living on the streets. More people losing their jobs, their homes, and watching their children go to sleep hungry. I am with you...where do I sign up?
Maybe I should ask your spokesperson, the Governor who quit her job and quit on the people who elected her for an all out assault on the American pocketbooks, as she refuses to even speak to an American college without six figures and a humiliating list of diva like demands. Where do I sign up....and do I have to be white to join? It seems all your members are white and middle aged. OK, I qualify. But do I have to mirror your bigotry? Maybe I won't join. I just can't get into your little protests and the insipid signage you carry, and the limited intelligence you possess.
Sure, I like to it all the time. But at least I think of solutions in my own way. Maybe I won't join your little group. Cause I don't need to be a card carrying member of your little cult to aimlessly scream into the darkness.


Papa Giorgio said...


I think what I've heard from some of the more pronounced leaders (like the one's that tear up Jeraldo Rivera "hit pieces") want is a flat-tax. That will do away with much of the insane tax-code and the IRS. Obama is hiring 16,000 more agents to snoop into your life Kimba... are you that insecure that you need an official agent of the gov. to tuck you in at night?

In one of the speeches I have posted on my site by Katherine Jenerette, she echos what Reagan called for, the closing of the Dept of Education (and a few other departments that suck up tax monies for no good reason). I love it.

As for your point on Medicare and Social Security. I think the main issue with Medicare is showing the "self-refuting nature" of what Obama says will come out of his health-bill. Not only will it not make people healthier with better or more care, it is a job killer as well (see video):

(Also, take note most person's I have heard know that we will not get rid of Medicare or Social Security... which is why we are fighting off Obama-Care... once implemented and habitual it is hard to shed.) As for trying to compare Bush and Obama. This President (Obama) has increased discretionary spending more than Bush's entire 8-year term/deficit combined. This is key. There are no more excuses onto which you can blame Bush for Obama's/Democrat's spending habits:

It is thus, smoke and mirrors. Mind you, Bush spent way too much. The increase in spending on health, the growth of the Dept of Education (helped along by dead Kennedy, not the band), etc. Which is why libertarian minded conservatives will do well in o'ten. Many of whom have served in the military, something Hugh Hewitt makes the point about -- that in the future, to run effectively for office you will have to of served. We are seeing some of this statement come true.

At any rate. I will post a link to one of my favorite myth busting blurbs here, it shows the amount Bush spent on two wars well, peace Kimba, glad to see you mixing it up:


Papa Giorgio said...


57 percent Republican, 28 percent Independent and 13 percent Democratic
