Saturday, March 7, 2020


Rarely, if ever, do I even consider not voting. In my advancing years, I have never missed an election. Ever. Not once, and I have been a registered voter for 46 years.
I could always find candidates I can get behind and publically support, someone I can feel hopeful and passionate about. Someone I feel can right the ship and get us back on the right path. I never totally agree with them, but I could understand and support their vision, their platform, their plan for our collective future.
But this time I am subjected to three final candidates who are an unfortunate collection of geriatric numbskulls. One wants to run on what his former boss did, one who brags about how he only takes donations from the ones who can least afford it (and then attempts to buy your vote with impossible "free stuff" college, free healthcare and on and on)...and one who gets his intelligence briefings from television and rarely listens to anyone (and if his closest advisors dare to disagree, they are sent packing). 
I deserve better. We deserve better. Unfortunately, we are the victims of redlining districts, the lack of term limits and a congress chucked full of spineless kissasses.
We desperately need a unifying voice; someone intelligent and charismatic enough to energize the nation away from their leather recliners long enough to cast a ballot. Someone who embraces what is best from both parties, a moderate who realizes the answers always emanates from the middle and never from the extreme left or right. Someone who wants to affect change one low hanging fruit at a time. Someone who embraces success, not by their latest tweet, but by pushing the nation forward. Making it a little easier for the people who need the help most. Someone who understands the least fortunate of us needs a hand up...not a handout.
The two-party political system is killing us, one election term after another.
The lack of competition is killing our health insurance system, in our public schools and yes, in our political system.
And that's the world...The World According to Kimba. Thanks for reading.

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