Sunday, June 3, 2007


Pictured below is the 2 term senator of Alaska from 1969 to 1981, Mike Gravel. Since his 12 years in the Senate, he has held no position in our government, yet, he thinks he has a chance at becoming the Democratic nominee for the Presidential election in November of 2008. Obviously, if you collected all of the people who honestly thought he had a legitimate shot at our party nomination, you could fit them into a phone booth, and still have room for multiple fruitcakes, which I consider him nuttier than. So why does he run?
In tonight's debate it became clear why he is running. He wants to tear down every Democrat with a legitimate shot at becoming President. he was hostile, he was rude , he was in full attack mode. He also appeared to be suffering from some sort of emotional difficulties, even going so far as to sit noticeably far away stage left than any of the other debaters. Mental issues for this gentleman is not an unwarranted concern since, by his own admission when he lost his bid at reelection in 1980, ""I had lost my career. I lost my marriage. I was in the doldrums for ten years after my defeat."[6] There is a resume builder!!!
During his first term in the Senate, Gravel wrote a book titled Citizen Power, in which he advocated the implementation of numerous populist ideas: a guaranteed annual income (dubbed the "Citizen's Wage"), public financing of elections, progressive tax with no deductions or exemptions, steps against the military-industrial complex (which he calls the "Warfare State"), a national law to do away with voter registration and other barriers to voting, abolition of the death penalty, universal health care, school vouchers, a drastic reduction in government secrecy, and an end to America's imperialistic foreign policy. The book also contained the complete text of the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the complete platform adopted by the Populist Party during the 1892 presidential election.
In 2007, he is for, among other things, allowing citizens to cast their vote by multiple means, and change their vote as many times as they like until the ballot is closed. Proposed acceptable methods to vote may include telephone, kiosk, or Internet website. Responding to a caller on a CSPAN program asking about marijuana and the drug war, Gravel stated “That one is real simple, I would legalize marijuana. You should be able to buy that at a liquor store.”
All right Senator, the jokes over, and your 15 minutes are more than up. Yield back the remainder of your time to people who really can win the nomination. Here's ten bucks, you go back to your liquor store and buy some more of your wacky tobaccy. You were a lightweight 25 years ago, and you have reduced yourself to a joke today. Bye Bye.

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