The Democratic health care plan will....
pay for abortions
allow the country to decide who lives and who dies
will pay for illegal aliens
will be unaffordable
will put the insurance companies out of business
will reduce the quality of physician care
will force you to wait months for an M.R.I.
will be an exact carbon copy of England's and Canada's
will require new taxes
will leave Americans with no choice for their health care providers
The Dems have removed the abortion and "death panel" provisions. So these are no longer in the bill... but they were -- which makes you wonder, should we even trust these jokers with our health?? It is like the Democrat who wanted to legalize the guillotine a few years back to properly harvest criminal body parts. Nuts.
I must correct myself... the abortion thingy is still in there (per FactCheck):
We are in debt, have a 9-trillion dollar deficit (where is Kimba on this? He was all over Bush's rise in the deficit, all the time), jobs are lost, companies need help, and we are paying for abortions in Mexico? Definitely the part of death.
I am incredulous with the bailout money to the banks, and then thumbing their noses at the American people and refusing to loan the money out.
I am sickened at the rise in AIG stock prices, yet have they returned any TARP or stimulus money? I don't have the facts, but I believe some have started paying it back, if not forward.
I watched the House committee meeting when Cantor introduced his amendment to not pay for abortion except for the health of the mother. I would have voted aye, it is fully reasonable. Of course, my libs voted no to the person....did they think it was a first step towards the repeal of Rowe v Wade? Or a show of weakness? Stupid. Every vote was right down the party line. Totally predictable.
I have not heard about paying for Mexican abortions, although when you do the research, when you find out who, how much and what our foreign aid goes to, it makes me want to vomit.
$9 trillion in relation to the GDP is a staggering amount. Are in agreement that this is due to the Bush / Obama years, or are you follwing the party line that this is all Obama's fault, and everything was rosy when Bush became a ranchhand?
This should answer your question:
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