Monday, February 18, 2008


"Don't tell me words don't matter," Obama told the Wisconsin audience, attempting to rebut Clinton's oft-repeated charge that he is long on rhetoric and short on policy specifics. "'I have a dream' - just words? 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal' - just words? 'We have nothing to fear but fear itself' - just words? Just speeches?"

Originality, honesty, character, plagerism, dishonesty, faking it, incapable of an original thought, JUST WORDS


Anonymous said...

Kimba video 1974 come on! What the hell were we all doing in 1974? I know you do not like him but shit what kind of stuff could anyone get on us if they wanted to?

Kim said...

I have heard him, on numerous occasions, claim NOT to be running because of some long held dream, or career path. 1974 proves he is a liar.

This video shows he is a plagerist.

Papa's last posting shows he is a socialist with brief connections to communists...his plan to send off billions to go to global poverty....would that be for the Middle east? Russia? Japan? Europe? I don't know specifically, but I think we all know where the bulk of the $$$ is going....

He just isn't what he claimed to be. He is going to break a lotta hearts when he finally shows himself to be a plotter and a schemer like all the rest. If you take such a high road of moral turpitude, you had better be squeaky clean....

Anonymous said...

He is in love Kimba,
that changed all the rules.
Look at him and their children and ask yourself this one question. Why would you want to be President when you have so much going for you? Obama can talk and people amazingly want to listen. Can you imagine people actually listening? Congress makes the rules. A President Obama would at least be something better than the last 7 years plus.

Anonymous said...

Just maybe after the last 7 years, it is the deep sense of frustration and worse, over what has become of our once great country and the world that has lead to choosing someone with little experience, someone with the proven power to suggest hope and possibility, someone that can start to heal the divisions of the country.
Perhaps if the present "leader" would have been a quarter of the president he promised to be, the vast majority of the people of this country would have been less willing to support someone with few credentials, and would not have been so carried by speeches and dreams.

But alas, George has proven to be very bad, and we are desperate to be rid of him. We are drawn to the comfort of the speeches and dreams. I for one, will relish the conventions, where
the follies of George will be told, as well as the dreams of the
left. It seems that few can deny the growing ground swell of support for some amount of correction of the stupidity, greed, and arrogance that many feel has been present in the White House and the vice president's residence.
As an aside,I wonder what the elder George and Barbara think of George junior now, after he has burned their party and any chances of John E. Bush to run for high office.

It was a reaction to the perceived follies of the Clintons that got the simple talking cowboy elected then; it is a reaction to the very real mistakes of that cowboy now that Obama is riding on. As gifted as Obama can speak, he needed Bush to lay the groundwork for his rise to the White House.

Kim said...

You are absolutely correct. When we went through the Nixon years, the public went for a simple, honest peanut farmer who could be trusted. Trouble is, what we got was an ineffectual President for four years.

Now that we are at our wits end with someone who ruled by fear, the American populous are now drawn to someone with a cheerier message, one of hope and change.

A message that apparently overshadows only a year in the Senate, a year where he accomplished very little.

For all of their talk of wanting Clinton to win, the truth is they want Obama. The truth about the Obama connection to the "scum lord" Hillary slapped him with at the debates (Rezco), will come to light. The house Obama lives in? Bought from Rezco. The biggest Obama supporter with the bucks? Yup, it's Rezco.