Monday, February 4, 2008


Yesterday, my alma mater, the hallowed grounds of Westwood, the campus of U.C.L.A., hosted a political "get out to vote" rally for Barack Obama. Only he couldn't be there; he was campaigning in Delaware. His proxy speakers were Caroline Kennedy, Michelle Obama, Stevie Wonder, and a talk show host from Chicago. In case you missed it (it was also televised on C-Span), here is an example of the kind of insight the day had in store for my fellow Bruins...

"You can't learn wisdom,
You can't git' it from the workplace,
Wisdom is a gift from God...."
Oprah Winfrey
Needless to say, Barack Obama was so entrusted with wisdom, as a act of God of course. Which is good for us, since you can't git' it anywheres else. Flabbergasted, to say the least. With the language, the ignorance, and especially with the audience who treated each syllable from these four like it was the nectar of the Gods. Poor little sheep, being driven to the polling booth for slaughter like that.
One thing is definately for sure, Oprah didn't git', or learn any wisdom. But, what do you want for a billion dollars? Oprah Winfrey ladies and gentlemen, Chicago's answer to Jerry friggin' Springer.

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