Saturday, December 13, 2008


Part of the allure of the candidate and the "Obama nation" movement was the freshness, the simple, and frank rhetoric, the willingness on a Presidential candidate to fashion a campaign with a promise to "change the way Washington does business."
He refused to take campaign money from PAC's and lobbyists. He refused to take federal matching campaign financing. He seemed to be everything he was advertised as; the one person who could finally make some progress towards politics as it should be, instead of the lobbyist controlled denizen of party politics and dirty tricks.
But, has our "white knight," the candidate called "the one" and taken to near messianic status among the American citizens during the campaign lost his luster? Is he who we thought he was, and should we have known better? After all, this is not the first time we have been taken as a voting populous. The nation did vote for George Bush, arguably the worst President in a century, not once, but TWICE (for the record, I did not vote for Bush either time, and as all regular readers of this blog certainly know, I was / am a vehement Clinton supporter).
Exactly what are Obama's ties to Chicago's politically nefarious (i.e. Daley, Blajo, Daley, et al.)? We may never know. American historians are loathe to attack a sitting President unless the deeds are of impeachable status.
But questions remain....
Can a young up and coming State Senator emerge from the polluted waters of Illinois politics squeaky clean?
How on earth did the Clinton campaign, with all of its power, connections and money, fail to connect the dots on these goings on in a manner that they could make corruption accusations stick to the erstwhile young Senator?
Can you leave Chicago politics with all of its unique proclivities, and then claim to be the one to clean up Washington politics, having just survived a political cesspool of unspeakable proportions?
Isn't what Obama did, to look forward at the dirty politics of Washington, all the while trying to forget the landscape you left in your rear view mirror, the antithesis of irony and political double speak?
I am sure we will get some answers to these, and other questions, but I believe the connection lines to Obama will be blurred at best. Will the public go from Obama nation to Obama remorse? Doubtful, everything he has done since his victory gives us all hope for a better tomorrow. For the rest, it will be up to us to connect the dots.
And that is the world....."The World According to Kimba." Thanks, as always for reading.

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