Saturday, April 21, 2007


The quote of the, month by the political gasbag pictured to the right. Rush Limbaugh, the hero and mouthpiece of the political right, obviously overjoyed at the opportunity to slam the liberals, even if at the expense of all those victims at Virginia Tech. At a time of great sorrow, the exalted Mr. Limbaugh stated the following....
"Cho Seung Hui? He has got to be a liberal.
Railing against the rich like he did.....he has got to be a liberal...."
A lesser man would have curtailed his hate filled comments about everything he despises, (namely the Democratic party and all it stands for) during a time of extreme national sorrow. But not this piece of shit. He takes every opportunity to slam the liberal majority of the country, even as they lay the victims of the Virginia Tech massacre into the ground.
Other right wingers have humorously said Cho was possibly put up to the deed by the Republicans in order to be a diversion against the Gonzalez hearings, or the Rove subpoena, or the Wolfowitz investigation at the World Bank, or the failing efforts in Iraq, or the veto of a time line for our departure in Iraq.
But that is OK, there is nothing more Christian than taking advantage of the deaths and misfortune of others to further your political agenda, and get a really, really cheap laugh.


Papa Giorgio said...

Considering that and the Daily Kos are anti-Semitic, speak much about Bush being involved in bringing down the twin-towers, are involved with or connected to Marxist originations, believe in many conspiracy theories… and the like. Saying that it wouldn’t surprise me that the Liberals on these sites would say that Virginia Tech was a diversion connected to PNAC isn’t too far-fetched. I truly believe my thought on that would be proved true if the hearings weren’t postponed. I will never know… such a shame.

Another point, connecting someone’s Christianity with commenting on how the Left reacts to many of these issues (an example: Democrats in Congress saying Bush was involved with 9/11, which would have been a larger “conspiracy” involving thousands of people… thus making Virginia Tech more plausible to those minds) is a stretch.

Remember a quote from my “hypocrite” response to you: Many people are actually guilty of imposing a double standard on Christians. They expect Christians to hold to standards they themselves could never dream of attain. Moreover, when Christians do try and live up to these standards, they are often accused of false piety and pretense.

Also take note that either my, or Limbaugh’s, or whoever’s actions have no bearing on truth claims. In other words, Jesus claiming to be God (something Buddha, Confucius, Zoroaster, Muhammad, Joseph Smith, and other religious founders never claimed) and proving it is true, even if there isn’t a single – fallible – Christian on Earth. Just the same as the Laws of Logic or Mathematics would still be true even if there weren’t any philosopher or mathematician left alive.

Kim said...

Point one: You are not the only person or entity to comment on daily events (in this case the VT massacre) being a deliberate diversion to escape attention on another more serious matter hanging over the administrations head. They (the right) said it against the Clinton administration for his entire two terms. I have yet to hear it from a "leftie", as we just do not roll that way.

2. I never called you a hypocrite. Never would. You seem genuine in your beliefs, and in fact never waiver from them, however unpopular they seem to becoming.

3. It is a fact that the religious right, in fact every person of faith I know, seems to tow the Republican party line, especially in being extremely war hawkish. I find it very interesting that these people of faith are so much in favor of the war. Not just this one, but seemingly any one, over a long period of time. So called religious wars have taken place since day one and will, no doubt mark the end of time. For right to lifers to advocate the killing of another person, or group of people is incoherent to me. A double standard in the grandest of proportions. Apparently, human life begins with fertilization, and ends the minute they piss them off.

4. You spend entirely too much time thinking about and Daily KO's.

5. It is true that anyone claiming or representing themselves to be of faith, or religious, are asking to be scrutinized by non-believers. Bearing false witness is a big one in these circles. True perfection is impossible, as we know. But for so many members of government to claim to be devout in order to position themselves for election is slimy to say the least.

6. When a political party itself claims to be the more religious party of the two, the same standards will apply. Interesting that the party in question has almost no black or hispanic representatives. Hates Jesse and Al. Not only came to the aid of Don Imus, claimed it was a conspiracy against the party, and a list of their conservative mouthpieces. What Imus said was bigoted, period. Imus is a bigot, he has gone off on that tangent before. I do not care if he gives all of his salary to the NAACP, he is a bigot. He thinks, still thinks, and the conservative party thinks what he said was blown out of proportion, and he should not have been fired. How Bush's spector of fear got so many minorities to vote for him is appauling. Believe me, you will be able to count the number of minority votes you get this time with one hand, and still have room to hold on to your prayer beads (a little literary license). This administrations actions during Katrina was appauling, and the national opinion on this is that it was a case of pure unadulturated bigotry. Bush wouldn't help because the majority of the victims were black. You can shout your case to the hills, but that is the national opinion (and mine).

7. Rush Limbaugh is a gasbag. A fat, cigar chompin', pill poppin' wind bag. He is Ann Coulter and Rosie O'Donnell wrapped up into one large package with a penis. For him to say what he said was way, way out of line. But I am glad he said it. He has qualified what he says as pure unadulturated manure. Hey, I watch Fox, I watch O'Reilly and the rest. But at least they do not go extreme in their comments. I listen, and may not agree, but I never question them personally. Rush Limbaugh is a tragic waste of human flesh.