Sunday, April 22, 2007


Click on the link below and read a document from the Montgomery county courts system on mass murderer Cho dated December 14, 2005. Observations were, "mood is depressed, denies suicidal tendencies and refuses to acknowledge symptoms of a thought disorder. Insight and judgement are normal. Presents an imminent danger to self as a result of mental illness."
Further testimony from a Kathy Godbey states, "is mentally ill and needs hospitalization." "Presents an imminent danger to self or others as a result of mental illness."
But the next day, a physician concluded that, while mentally ill, Cho did not present an imminent danger to others or require involuntary hospitalization. Paul M. Barrett, a special justice with the Virginia District Court in Christiansburg released him. (Page 5 of the document).
A 1968 federal law prohibits those who have been involuntarily hospitalized for mental illness from buying firearms. Because he had not been committed, Cho could legally purchase the .22-caliber and 9mm handguns he bought in February and March and used in this week's attack.
A chilling and concerning post document that clearly shows that Cho's mental illness was clearly identified and was given outside counseling in substitution of what he really needed, immediate hospitalization. As noted in the document, that despite these observations, duly presented to the state of Virginia court system, Cho remained able to legally purchase all of the guns and weapons he so desired, under the laws of the state of Virginia, because he was not hospitalized.

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