Friday, November 23, 2007


Real estate prices have fallen dramatically, with no end in sight. Crude barrel prices are near all time record highs. The national deficit is well passed record highs, and we are sunk into an overwhelmingly costly war overseas with absolutely no end in sight. We owe money to every nation imaginable, and our dollar is now not as strong as the Canadian dollar. Many countries are pushing to stop valuing crude prices in terms of the American dollar, once considered the coin of the realm.
American consumers are in fear of what consumables they are offered for sale in the market place, what with an endless assortment of food being recalled for E-coli or salmonella on a seemingly daily basis. Add to this, tens of thousands of toys are being recalled from our shelves for toys manufactured in China with a glaring disregard for the safety of our children, either for lead paint, or other disarming atrocities which could potentially affect the health of our children.
Black Friday, a day in which American corporations mark the official start of their profit for the year, came and went with a fizzle. Bernanke lowers interest rates in an effort to slow recessionary rates, and spur some life into our housing market, to no avail. New housing starts are all but non-existent, and the last thing you want to be in these conditions is a real estate agent, or a mortgage broker. What's worse is there seems to be no end in sight. Our economy woes are a large snowball, growing in size and volume as it picks up momentum down the mountain. Is it time to look at that snowball, and declare it an avalanche, or can anything truly be done to prevent our economies ultimate fall?
The question is....How can we turn the tide of American confidence in our economy, in our current state of affairs, and in our leadership, in order to bring them back into the marketplace in a big way?
And, if this current trend of money tightening continues, is full blown inflation all but a matter of time?


Mark said...

Kimba, your post defiantly hits home. I like you think and see more misery on the horizon. I know you are a doer with superb leadership skill. The saddest most disgusting thing that has happen to us recently is the complete disregard of truth. We are no longer a nation that teaches what we preach. We are a nation that says fear us or else. What type of example is this to everyone? Our most excellent country, where are forefathers would never tolerate the complete disregard of our living constitution. It is failure in every since of the word and idea. Our so called representatives continue to be paid for hire servants to a agenda that is not and will not be on the principles of sound reason. That being said when things reach their bottom is something extraordinary, hope! I have faith like you for something better, someone that Americans will again listen to. Someone next winter that will have integrity and will always put the citizens before any agenda. A leader who will teach us again that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. I like you am a patriot. Not a democrat or republican, who thinks and feels and want something completely different than the actions we have heard and seen over the last years. We Americans are better, we have to start healing again, listening and doing what is in our hearts. Better everyday, good and going forward in principal with peace as our guide. Sadly the only words that I hear talking common sense is Dr. Ron Paul, unfortunately his chances of the republican ticket is nil. So since the tax and spend republicans will not have a decent representative I hope, no I pray that someone grand comes from the left and puts us on the right path of prosperity. We need to get out of their asses, look around and start being different. We are and need so much better than the complete malaise that now presently exists.

Papa Giorgio said...

What!? You guys are out of control? Drill for oil in Alaska, build more nuclear plants across the country, and stop blaming bush for oil prices. Please. In the 70's, the Middle-East showed us that we didn't control oil. We still do don't. If liberals want us to become independent from foreign oil... then you have to stop letting us drill off of the California coast, in Alaska, and for God sake, build some refineries!

What you and Kimba seem to have faith for is socialized medicine, which, in Britain and Canada has proven to be a failure.

Ron Paul is a racist, conspiracy nut who has once again been a guest on the Alex Jones radio broadcast. Mark, if you do not know about RON PAUL, go to my site and scroll down the right side until you come to the "Ron Paul" tag and do some reading and video watching and then tell me "Dr. Ron Paul" makes sense. Please!

That statement alone makes me second-guess who (besides myself that is) visits this site.

Sadly the only words that I hear talking common sense is Dr. Ron Paul, unfortunately his chances of the republican ticket is nil.

He thinks we brought the Towers down Mark! He makes sense... sadly? PLEASE!

Kim said...

Although I was catagorically against it, I see no way clear of it, and I can now live with drilling in the Anwar provence.

I could definately live with additional nuclear power plants being built, but not in my back yard of course (NIMBY).

American firms negotiated long term contracts with Iraq for their oil, and they have unbelievable resources waiting to be tapped into, but I have seen no relief.

We must either get other countries on board, at least financially, or we let the middle east go into free fall. We simply cannot afford to stay in Iraq. Iran would be suicide. Afghanistan is another story. They seem to want us there, and our efforts were fruitful there.

Medical care? Social Security? Allow everyone choices. Hook the social security funds to investments? Fine. Establish socialized medicine for all those under $40K a year per household? Great (nationalized S-Chip).

Real estate? It's going to fall (and already has effected S-Ranch by around 20% of value). My house was valued at 800, and has just been appraised at 660.

We can only weather the storm until January 2009. A new leader....ANY NEW LEADER can only help shore up consumer confidence, and get a grip on the liberal PLUS spending policies of the "compassionate conservatives."

I believe we have, over the past seven years, done a huge amount of damage to this country, the result of which will take decades to correct, and forget.

Not the least of these are a younger voting base that hears everything Ron Paul says (including the 911 conspiracy theories, etc.), and nods in total agreement. Good Lord only knows what form of candidate Generation Y will respond to, and in deed, elect.

As for the readers of this blog, I have only started counting (sitemeter) again, but I do know Mark very well, and he is searching for someone to take this country to the promised land (as am I). I just do not see anybody out there capable of leading anymore. Not at the state, or federal level.

Don't get me started about the Senate. I see no debate, no free thinkers, no one rising up and taking a stand, and no one leading (over the past 7 years, at least). I don't even know why they meet together. 90% of them should just stay home and give their party leaders their proxy vote power.

As for now, I am for Hillary. She has a gorgeous girlfriend, and Bill is sleeping with a billionaire from Canada. Could be fun. Let's bring out the old Clinton cronies and set up shop again. Worked seven years ago like a champ. Balance the budget. Negotiate and establish dialougues with all leaders. Bring back a little confidence in the government from our citizens.


January will tell. I think this crazy mixed up system of ours rests on Iowa and New Hampshire prinaries, then momentum carries them the rest of the way, setting up a Clinton Guiliani race, with Rudy going farther left than even Hillary.

As much as the conservatives detest some of the stands taken by Rudy, they would elect anyone if it meant not losing power in the executive branch.

The southern Bible thumpers (just kidding Papa), the Evangelicals will just have to suck it up for the team, and get a Republican, if not a conservative in office.

Greetings from the left to all,

Papa Giorgio said...

Mitt looked really good yesterday. I do wish to point out that I paid a lot of attention today to all views of the debate via talk radio today and it is funny. Some say the media is picking Huckabee because they want a caricature of a Republican versus Hillary (in other words saying he didn't do well in the debate... the press only made him look that way). While others genuinely said he looked good. Laura Ingram chose the former, Medved chose the latter, as an example.

I am starting to get on the Mitt wagon... but I do have a twist on this that you may not fully appreciate, but it is a twist you will probably only hear from me, so enjoy.

Christians generally look towards a 7-year tribulation where a peace-maker will rise up and create peace in the Middle-East... genuine peace. This will be almost miraculous. About half-way through this 7-year period (during some form of construction on a Jewish temple - remember, the Jews want to return to animal sacrifices). At this half-way point this peacemaker declares himself(?)/herself(?) God, or a god in the Jewish Temple (this is discussed in Isaiah, Ezekiel, Danial, the Gospels, and Revelation).

Being the religious man I am, I have thought about this person declaring so to be either a New Ager, where they think everyone has the God-Consciousness in them. Or simply an atheist declaring his humanistic measure of truth to be "God." But, with a Mormon in office, they actually believe they can become a God of their own world. Jesus was born in a sexual union to Heavenly Father and one of the Heavenly Mothers (hopefully they truly are "heavenly" and not homely). Jesus advanced so fast that he became a "god" while still in spiritual form before attaining his earthly body.

Mitt actually has the theology to make such a claim. While I do not give this much credence or eminence... coming from a theological standpoint, it makes me go "Hmm."

Anyhow, you are the first person I mentioned that to. hope you enjoyed that useless nugget of info.


Papa Giorgio said...


"Religio-Political Talk"
