Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Want to vote for that romantic, ideological candidate Barack Obama, but are worried about the fact that he has almost (one term senator) NO experience at all? Want to vote for him because he is attractive, somewhat charismatic and youthful, but worry he has NO foreign affairs experience at all? Well, let me set your fears aside....he apparently has had some foreign affairs experience. Just let this recent quote from Senator Obamanable sink in....
"Probably the strongest experience I have in foreign relations is the fact that I spent four years living overseas when I was a child in southeast Asia," said Obama, who lived in Indonesia from age 6 to age 10.
"So a lot of my knowledge about foreign affairs isn't just what I studied in school. It's not just the work that I do on Senate Foreign Relations [Committee]. It's actually having the knowledge of how ordinary people in these other countries live," he said.
There you go, folks. Obama is fully trained in foreign affairs because of the intense training he received in Indonesia from the ages 6 to 10. What more could you ask for than an apparent child scholar in foreign affairs from the ages 6 to 10? Apparently, along with the training he received in how to use the potty, was intense training in multi-lateral trade agreements and diplomacy in an advancing world. Who knew? Imagine if JFK had been raised in Istanbul from the ages 6 through 10. Wouldn't the Bay of Pigs gone a much different direction? You cannot discount, or appreciate enough the experience brought about by 5 years of childhood rearing in a third world country., especially the years from 6 through 10. The only possible deficit to his education in Indonesia was knowing what you can say, or not say, to avoid looking like an absolute fucking moron.
And that is "The World According to Kimba"
By the way, I was raised in Vermont from the age of 6 to 10.
Will this get me at least a cabinet post?

1 comment:

Mark said...

Living in Vermont may not get you a cabinet post but could you at least help a friend find some decent maple syrup?
Come on Kimba, give Obama a little break, he is just doing what everyone in the race is doing. Say anything to get elected.
No one having a chance to win is ready for the shit that can happen, great Presidents preserve when tested.
For the record, its been long long since having decency in the oval office.