Sunday, April 27, 2008


It's time for everyone to face the truth. Barack Obama has no real chance of winning the national election in November at this time. His crushing defeat in Pennsylvania makes that fact crystal clear. His best, and only real chance of winning in November is on a ticket with Hillary Clinton as her VP.
Hillary Clinton seemed almost somber at her victory speech. As if a part of her was hoping Obama could have defeated her. And proven he had some chance, some semblance of a hope of winning against the Republican attack machine, their unlimited money (remember he hasn't spend much since getting the nomination), and resources. In all honesty, I felt some of that too.
But it is absolutely essential that the Democrats take back the White House in November. America and the American people are in a very desperate condition now. And the whole world has been doing all that they can to help keep us propped up.
It should be clear to everyone by now that Hillary Clinton is fighting her heart out for the American people. She has known for a long time that Mr. Obama cannot win this November. Now we are getting a clearer picture of Obama, a truer measure of the man, and Hillary is starting to win. In Pa., she won every major group except Black Americans, which Obama took by 92%. You have to remember that the Clinton's have won the White House twice before. They know what it takes. Politics is like a hot dog, you may like them, but you don't want to know what goes into them.
Sen. Hillary Clinton: "You know, more people have now voted for me than have voted for my opponent. In fact, I now have more votes than anybody has ever had in a primary contest for a nomination. And it's also clear that we've got nine more important contests to go."

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