Wednesday, November 26, 2008


It is the quickest way to fulfill his promise to effect and mandate change. Although not intended to make law, but to clarify, or act to further an existing law, executive orders have the power of law, and are not limited in subject, or scope. They can be enacted immediately, and thus avoid the agonizingly slow grinding of the wheels of congress. A set of executive orders would establish on day one, the Obama vision, policy platform, and priorities for what is intended to come.
Reports are that the Obama transition team is looking into the Bush executive orders for potential reversals, much as ex-President Clinton did to his predecessor, President Bush I. There are precedents for day one executive orders making sweeping changes from the previous administration in power.
What is on the Obama short list? Here are my predictions...
Big 3 auto bailout
Reversal to Bush funding restrictions on stem cell research
Economic stimulus plan to directly help the middle class
Elimination of full abortion restrictions on U.S. overseas aid
Changes to the rules involving interrogation and detentions
by the military (definition of torture?)
Reestablishing due process for enemy combatants trials
by the military
Restrictions on domestic oil exploration
Here is my suggestion....
How about a full pardon for Bush and Cheney for war crimes?
This would state publically the potential for their prosecutions based on their actions over the past eight years, and eliminate wasting time in Congress on oversight, instead of looking forward.

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