Saturday, May 12, 2007



Papa Giorgio said...

I almost blogged on this, I was going to show the "X" over Cheney as well and discuss the correlation between Liberals who think Conservatives are evil (like many think Bush is... oil conspiracies, knowing of 9/11, responsible for the fictitious 650,000 [+-] deaths in Iraq, war criminal, Bushilter, etc.] in comparison to Conservatives thinking Liberals worldview skews how they wish to deal with the same problems we wish to conquer (education, security, charity, and the like), they are simply wrong... not evil.

Reacting to Bush White House counselor Karl Rove's contention that the Washington press corps is "less liberal than it is oppositional," Wall Street Journal political editor John Harwood, on Inside Washington over the weekend, conceded that ideology is what really drives how journalists see politicians: "I believe it is true that a significant chunk of the press believes that Democrats are incompetent but good-hearted, and Republicans are very efficient but evil."

This is why the "X"'s and the "Bush" headlines make it in. very telling.

Kim said...

I think your comment is right on target. This will be the Bush legacy; very efficent (although not Bush himself), but evil, and mean spirited. Conspiring to press forward in the attempt to realize his (their) pre-planned agenda.

I am afraid we have had three very recent Presidents deemed incompetant, and their approval ratings show it (Carter and the Bush family). Because the two Bush family members have such poor public approval ratings, Jeb is eyeing roles in the public sector. Look for him to become a director for Tenet Healthcare any day now (at $37,000.00 a day).

As for our English friend here, Tony Blair will be seen as a Bush lap dog. Pure and simple. Soft, and easily manipulated by the Bush administration. No backbone.

Papa Giorgio said...

You are a 9/11 truther aren't you? Come out right here and admit it. What is is "grand-goal" these conspirators are scheming for? Oil? We haven't gotten any of it from Iraq yet. World governance, putting democracies in other countries and then leaving them (like Germany and Japan) isn't helping that goal.

What is this "pre-planned" agenda? Are you upset that some people in foreign affairs positions saw that the ideology of Islamo-Fascism was at war with us since 1979 and that these radical ideas control our major source for oil? What do you want our diesel tanks and BMW's to run on - - pixie dust?

Tell me what this "conspiracy behind closed doors in smoked filled rooms" is Kimba, please.

Kim said...

I am not a 911 truther, although when it happened I think the administrations eyes got big as saucers. I think they had wanted a presence in the Middle East, and they got their wish in Iraq and Afganistan.

People are now reporting missing oil. Iraq, according to reports is pulling in some serious cash in refining. Remember, we protected the refineries first, and left other places to burn.

When we went into Kuwait, we protected the refineries first. Oil is huge, especially to a super power with a finite, dwindling supply.

I often wonder about the huge sums of $$$ that is "missing." Millions to billions depending on your source. The Bush family is an oil family, with big time connections to the Saudi's. I cannot see us leaving the Sunni's high and dry. The Saudi's are very concerned about this, that is why Cheney is there now.

Do I know Kristol's master plan? Of course not. But I do know the Texas money is preparing to put their bucks behind Fred Thompson. Guaranteed--I will bet my life on it--Thompson is your candidate. He is a true conservative and has the charisma. Why do you think he is not pandering for the cash, and coming in very late to the party? I think he is the next successor to the crown. PNAC is behind him, and so is the big bucks.

Papa Giorgio said...

Always with the PNAC thing. Misquoted (Misunderstood) as usual, I am sure.