Wednesday, May 30, 2007


The Senate Intelligence committee has just released a CIA sponsored report from the National Intelligence Counsel, which was prepared and delivered to the Bush administration two months prior to going to war. Unfortunately, the Bush administration did not listen, because the report is alarmingly accurate in its predictions for sending troops into Iraq. The report predicts the following scenarios, which have come to pass...
The recovery of Al Qaida forces in Afghanistan
An increase in terrorism by Al Qaida
A lengthy war and US presence in Iraq
Increasing global support for Al Qaida
Al Qaida will gain new allies
Iran will improve relations with Syria
Other countries will speed up all programs to produce WMD for their defense programs
A greater terrorist threat against the US
Factional violence leading to civil war
Wouldn't you know it? The one source of credible intel in regards to the war, and the Bush administration failed to listen. The Bush administration claimed WMD's in Iraq, but upon their incursion, failed to secure those sites. They knew we would increase the level of terrorism in Iraq, but failed to secure the borders.
What can you expect from an administration so arrogant as to think they could invade a country, overthrow its dictator and restore order, in a quote- unquote "cakewalk". Additionally, they actually predicted they would be welcomed as "liberators." My gawd, folks, where do we go from here? We stay, we're screwed. We leave and Iraq is screwed. Not only Iraq, but the Bush administration has put its indelible mark upon the entire region. Unfortunately, for the worse.


Papa Giorgio said...

That is like saying that if we lost in France Roosevelt would have left an indelible mark on the Nazi’s. These aren’t freedom fighters, they are Islamo-Fascists. We went into Iraq because they were a country that backed, and after 9/11 would have backed more so, terrorists. Not only that, Iraq was in an agreement to do certain things and meet certain criteria… which they didn’t. One was firing on our planes almost daily. That one act alone was reason enough to RESUME the war started in the 90’s.

When one-out-of-three Democrats think Bush was involved somehow in 9/11 before it happened, all that is saying is that there is such a deep (almost psychotic) hatred of Bush that if they had asked the Democrats if Bush tortured babies with hot soldering irons for fun, it would be one-out-of-three again.

I have an Iraqi blog section in my links… you should read some of them.

Mark said...

Clearly The Bush Administration have done more harm than good. You wrong papa thinking the left loses focus because the distain we feel. No, we lefties hate stupidity and like Kimba I share my disgust when it is displayed on either isle. Let's face it President Clinton was lying about a blow job, President Bush's lies or arrogant stupidity is much worse. One might of effected faith for their own country leader the other effecting the worlds faith on us as Americans. I bet if people (even liberals) were polled staying in Iraq to finish the job in the condition of a new President, America would be more willing and ready for the long hail. At least we would get a second chance to save face a bit instead of always seeing the guy who is responsible for the stench. Any good board membership fires a stupid CEO who fails to perform, sadly we all have to wait until January 2009 to get that mission accomplished. That (who ever is elected) should be a thankful national holiday. With promised flowers.

btw, I supported the need to do something in Iraq before the kayoss. I just thought that a good leader would do somthing important first. Think, listen and plan. Is that to much for citizens to ask?