Tuesday, May 22, 2007


The high and mighty Democrats rode into town, atop their high horses promising radical changes in Congress; accountability of earmarks, and a higher moral and ethical ground than the Republican controlled congress before them.
Today, the Dems got their first chance to back up those all too hollow words with action. A vote to uphold the ethical and moral standards of practice that all Congressmen and women should follow. Surely house speaker Pelosi would lead the charge, as she had been previously so committed to these new moral high grounds. She couldn't possibly display the moral myopia she accused the conservative controlled congress of, just months ago, or could she?
And it shouldn't be hard to give a hand slap / reprimand to someone who freely admitted, and flaunted his public display of displeasure towards a fellow House member. Someone who, when found his latest juicy bit of pork (earmark) added to a bill challenged, charged across the aisle of the House and confronted Republican house member Mike Rogers, who had the audacity to challenge the mighty institution of Murtha.
Unfortunately, we are talking about one of the highest tenured members of the House (Murtha) , who is also one of the highest ranking members of the almighty Armed Services committee. A committee who serves up more pork than Farmer John and Jimmy Dean combined.
Well I guess you know the rest of the story. The Dems, who loudly criticized the Republicans inability / unwillingness to take action against Mark Foley, went spineless and voted to reject the House measure to reprimand Murtha. Here are the bloody details...
The House voted 219-189 to kill the Republicans' motion to reprimand Murtha, a Pennsylvania Democrat, Iraq war foe and close ally of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. Two Democrats – Earl Blumenauer of Oregon and Jim Cooper of Tennessee – voted against killing the motion. One Republican – Tim Murphy of Pennsylvania – voted for the motion to table, or kill, the proposed reprimand.
Murtha, known for his bluff manner and fondness of pork barrel projects, did not dispute claims that he charged across the House floor May 17 to confront Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich. Rogers had tried unsuccessfully to strike a $23 million Murtha earmark – a targeted spending item – for a drug intelligence center in Murtha's district. In a House speech Monday, Rogers said Murtha threatened him by saying, “you will not get any earmarks now and forever.” Rogers, backed by House GOP leaders, said Murtha's threat violated congressional ethics rules.
When Democrats took control of the House and Senate in January, they vowed to reform the practice of placing earmarks in spending bills. Members seeking earmarks would have to identify themselves and their intentions in time for staffers to review the items, leaders said.
And that is "The World According to Kimba"
Thanks for reading

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Politics as usual, absolutely Bullshit!