Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Joe Wilson, husband of Valerie Plame on an episode of "Hardball with Chris Matthews," just aired, threw down the gloves on the Bush administration. Mr. Wilson, the former ambassador to Iraq under King George I, and a long standing member of the Washington intelligence community had the following to say....
"The communtation is a quid pro quo to protect the Vice President, and perhaps the President's office as well"...."I think it stinks to high heaven"
"I look for congress to exhaust its power in order to send a message to future administrations in regards to serving political vendettas and considering any abuses of power"
"I think the future does not bode well for the Republican presidential contenders who have "sold their souls to a relatively small group of neo-conservatives"
Chris Matthews (question): Why do you think they did this to you...was it because of your report on Niger as a source of yellow cake to the Middle East, specifically Iraq?
Joe Wilson (answer): "I think they did this (the exposure of his wife as a covert CIA operative) for three reasons....
One, to punish me.
Two, to send a message to the intelligence community that if you do us like Joe Wilson just did us, we will do to your families what we just did to his"
And three, as a Democrat, It was OK to treat me like a cockroach"


Papa Giorgio said...

All Wilson is doing is showing his narcissism.

Kim said...

You don't think he has a legitimate beef (or at least the start of a decent civil suit)?

Papa Giorgio said...

Against Armitage, not Libby! Libby wasn't the leak. Armitage is not friendly to Bush, so why go after him? Go for Libby and paint him with the media's spin and walla, you have a political stoog to attack Bush with.

Kim said...

"Armitage not friendly to Bush"
You have said this over and over, and you know my response to this.....Richard Armitage was and possibly still is a member of PNAC, so lets stop trying to paint him as an enemy of Bush with that stale, dirty old brush.

And, remember, Libby wasn't convicted of being the leak. Libby was convicted of being a liar under oath and obstructing justice.