Sunday, December 23, 2007


It seems someone in Manhattan received a free drink coupon from Starbucks. So, the gentleman asks the appropriate question: What is the most expensive drink I can order? How can I make Howard Schultz really pay for this?
And the ultimate yuppified result: A 13 shot venti soy hazelnut vanilla cinnamon white mocha with extra white mocha and caramel. It cost a total of $13.76 (with tax).
By the way, for you fellow Starbucks aficionados, check out this link. The blog is called Starbucks Gossip", and it is a collection of open threads, primarily from Starbucks employees, current, and former. At the very least, it will give you a look into generation Z.
Or you can click on this link, for a cool program where you type in your favorite drink, and it tells you all about yourself. For example, here is what the "Starbucks Oracle" says about me, and my beverage of choice, a venti hazelnut americano.
Personality type: Asshat
You carry around philosophy books you haven't read and wear trendy wire-rimmed glasses even though you have perfect vision. You've probably added an accent to your name or changed the pronunciation to seem sophisticated. You hang out in coffee shops because you don't have a job because you got your degree in French Poetry.
People who drink venti hazelnut americano are notorious for spouting off angry, liberal opinions about issues they don't understand.
(Any truth to that statement about me is purely coincidental, and just a lucky hunch by the Oracle)
Also drinks: Any drink with a foreign name
Can also be found at: The other, locally owned coffee shop you claim to like better

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool links