Tuesday, December 18, 2007



1. She isn't attractive: I used to think the right wing media just refused to publish a decent picture of her. I apologize.
2. Her public speaking skills: she can't make us laugh, she can't motivate us, and she can't make us feel...well, much of anything. She has a very hard time laughing naturally, and she can't sing worth a damn.
3. She is about as lovable as a suicide bomber. How can I put this? Well, most of the blogs use the term bitch, when describing her. I think when the cameras aren't around, she is more than likely, the Michael Jordan of bitchery. All Pro. No wonder poor Bill slept with the occasion cheerleader. And that leads us to number 4, folks.
4. The American people never liked you. Listen Hill, let me clue you in on something. When Bill was running around on you during his Presidency, we sided with the other woman. Sorry. I think Bill's exploits treated us to two things: first, we like men who play. Especially with your husbands good looks. Second, it was kind of reassuring that if he was playing during the day, that meant that someone who we loved so much (your husband) wasn't going home and resorting to having sex with you.
5. You may be cheating on Bill with a woman. Hey, the rumor is out there. I have even seen the pictures of the woman (allegedly). Strange world, isn't it Hill? If the American people ever find out you are cheating on Bill with anybody, they will be pissed. We forgave Bill with a smile. Don't cross William Jefferson. We love that guy. We don't much care for you. We won't understand, or empathize.
But, good Lord help us, you may just be the best candidate out there, and if Bill promises to run the country in the background, we might just elect you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a secret he he :-)
... radar