Sunday, June 1, 2008


Donna Brazile, one of 797 super delegates and a DNC rules committee member, has claimed to be "undecided." She has now flipped and claims to be "undeclared." She quoted LBJ as saying "Voting is the life blood of democracy," which is undeniable. Unfortunately, when it comes to vote on Michigan and Florida, she flips again, and claims that anyone who fights to have all of Michigan and Floridian votes cast to be counted is a quote / unquote "cheater." Testament to Ms. Brazile (who's only claim to fame is in being instrumental in the loss of Al Gore) truthfulness is when she claims to have arrived to the DNC meeting with a "spirit of unity," yet spits out the political dagger of the Clinton campaign being "cheaters."

The fact remains that like Al Gore in 2000, Hillary is leading in popular votes cast, and will end up being a loser of the race to the nomination. Any lucid mind can see that the party is fragmented and disenfranchised in part because of this arcane system of electing a nominee. For all of their talk of "fair reflection" of all of the voters, they turned their backs on what is right, and voted for a straight Obama compromise, in part because deep in their hearts, although they know that Obama may in fact be unelectable, and has limped over the finish line (losing the majority of the primaries since Super Tuesday, and the popular vote since then by an overwhelming number), they want to stop the bleeding, and have succumb to the pressure from the party leadership to put this race to an end by this coming Wednesday.

As for Ms. Brazile's claim of a "new democratic party" who no longer must rely on the support of Hispanics and working class whites, well.........let's just say, if Rev. Wright or Father Fleiger had made these comments, there would be a virtual shit storm of condemnation upon them.

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