Wednesday, July 23, 2008


The comments from Jesse Jackson in regards to Barack Obama's genitalia aside, what is so wrong with a black leader bringing up the decaying state of the American family unit, and the black family units he represents in particular? What is wrong with speaking out against those who tell a young black child who is motivated and excelling in school that he is "acting white?" While Jesse Jackson calls it "speaking down to the black folk," the truth is he is looking them eye to eye and telling them what he thinks, and what he knows in his heart is right.
Does he have to target the black community solely with these issues? Absolutely not. He could throw in the Hispanics and Caucasians as well into the mix. We all are somewhat to blame for the decaying American family. But, for a leader of the black community (not to mention a declared "man of God"), to attack Senator Obama for his comments, whether deliberately or unwittingly, is to show a vast and endless supply of stupid. Move over, Jesse, your 15 minutes are up. The spotlight has shown on your "Rainbow Coalition," and instead of a pot o' gold, the only thing at the end of your rainbow is a crock o' shit. And that's the world....According to Kimba. Thanks for reading.

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