Thursday, July 31, 2008


If only John McCain could come up with one plausible reason to elect him, instead of all the crap he spews forth about why you can't elect Obama......I can't wait for the first debate, youthful, Harvard grad Obama against the conservative Alzheimer's patient, McBush. What a mean spirited, lying Keating Five bastard he is. He has completely made his living sucking up to his wife Cyndi, or on the government tit. Yes, he got captured during the war, and that sucked. But, Wesley Clark was right....what does that have to do with anything Presidential? Look at his daily gaffes he makes. No wonder he insists on having a liberal (Lieberman) by his side. He needs someone to clean up his depends when he shits all over himself. And Joe is the perfect ass kisser for the job.

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