Saturday, July 26, 2008


We all heard the ridiculous Bush inspired McCain rhetoric months ago "it is very clear who Hamas wants to be President." Now McCain has sunk to new lows, all but calling Obama a traitor...."The difference between me and Barack Obama? Obama would rather lose a war than lose an election."
Now this from McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds....Barack Obama took a premature victory lap today in the heart of Berlin, proclaiming himself a 'citizen of the world,' all the while John McCain continued to make his case to the American citizens who will decide this election," he wrote. "Barack Obama offered eloquent praise for this country, but the contrast is clear. John McCain has dedicated his life to serving, improving and protecting America. Barack Obama spent an afternoon talking about it."
John McCain on Friday defended his criticism that Barack Obama would rather "lose a war in order to win a political campaign," saying that to his Democratic rival, the war in Iraq is "just another political issue."
"I am accusing, I am stating the facts. The facts are that I don't question Sen. Obama's patriotism. I'm sure that he's a very patriotic American, I question his judgment because he lacks experience and knowledge, and I questioned his judgment. … Sen. Obama just views this war as another political issue, which he can change positions,” McCain said.
McCain argued that Obama opposed the surge and doesn't “understand the importance of this victory and the consequences of failure and the benefits of success.”

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