Wednesday, May 14, 2008


John Edwards: "People act like these endorsements are a big deal." I may have missed something but Barack Obama is doing OK without my endorsement." "The notion that a failed Presidential candidate has some sort of power is an absurd concept...."

So after a huge defeat last night in West Virginia (by over 40% points), Obama summons his lap dog, John Edwards for his endorsement, and in Grand Rapids, Michigan no less. What was he doing there? Quote from Edwards..."the voters have made their choice, and so have I."

"And when this campaign draws to a close, and it will very soon, we will unite under Barack Obama in the national election..." And so, in an almost Clintonian display of perfect timing, Barack Obama not only trounces Hillary's huge West Virginia win the night before, but he gets to apologize to Michigan for not participating in their primary, for taking his name of the ballot and for fighting to see that their delegates not be seated. The question wasn't why was Edwards in Michigan, the question was...why is Barack campaigning in Michigan at all? The upcoming primaries are in Oregon and Tennessee.

Shameless. Could it be any more obvious that it is now Hillary versus the Democratic party who so desperately wants her to leave the race (and stop defeating him so soundly)?

Should we be surprized? Take a look at Edwards ripping into Hillary at one of the debates...

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