Friday, August 29, 2008


Let's see, John McCain, a gentleman of advancing years, who, if elected to two terms would be pushing against the door of the average life expectancies in this country, nominates Governor Palin from Alaska for his running mate. Honestly....does anyone truly believe she would be able, would be qualified to take over this country should it become necessary?
No, I didn't think so. That is why she has been little more than a footnote in the pundants eyes during the election season. What she does represent is someone who points a spotlight on the Roe V. Wade issue, and a desperate attempt to reach out to disgruntled Hillary supporters. Sometimes you have to think about who is the most qualified to do the job, rather than concentrating on who can get you the job.
For gawds sakes....the man is friggin' 72 years of age and has survived four cancers. FOUR CANCERS. And knowing that going so far as buying a green banana is a gamble, he picks a two year governor from Alaska. Friggin' Alaska? What is the maverick doing? Does he possibly think former Hillary supporters will vote for anybody with a vagina (AWAV)? This pick is nothing short of a public display of advanced year dementia. Ronald Reagan had more clarity at the end of his two terms than John McCain has now. He thinks Iraq and Afghanistan share a common border, he confuses the Shia and Sunni, and he thinks Governor Palin is ready to assume control of the world's only superpower?
As a McCain aide has been quoted as saying..."you want change, well look at us now!"
Palin, the former runner-up Miss Alaska is pictured above with another stalwart Alaska official, Ted Stevens. The picture would have looked much better off from Stevens new backyard deck....
Palin, like McCain is tied deeply into the oil industry, both in $$$, and her husbands profession. What a shock. He picks a "drill, drill, drill" candidate, who favors drilling pretty much anywhere you can, and this is prudent as a short term gap, but won't solve our energy problems alone. Now if we libs can only tie her to the sorry corrupt state of Alaskan politics, well, we will all be sittin' pretty. How McCain ever picked her over a quality candidate like Mitt Romney is beyond me......


Anonymous said...

Well, the convention this coming week should be very entertaining, as the party seems so crazy and hung-up over pro-life concerns to the exclusions of all else, except perhaps trying to tie a female, any female, to the ticket. I think the more qualified, and more traditional picks told the old guy they would rather sit this one out and try in four years. I think they smell the rotting of the party, thanks to the bush, and to the single minded focus of the religious right.
Monday will be a day to throw tomatoes at the TV, with the outgoing two arrogant ones. Too bad we can't see a line-up of the other arrogants; Rumsfeld, the head of FEMA, the head of the CIA, etc. That line-up would be a great photo, don't you think?
Dave Levy

Kim said...

What a convenient excuse for the president to NOT be at the convention....he didn't care about Katrina, why all of a sudden is he worried about Gustav?

I definately agree with the photo line-up, especially if they were mug shots.

I just do not understand why we do not have a double digit lead in the polls right now (not that the pollsters have gotten anything right so far this year)....

You may like my newest posting on Governor Palin...
