Tuesday, August 12, 2008



Papa Giorgio said...


I like the second one (James Bond spoof). You won't admit it, but as soon as you walk in that voting booth, you will vote for McCain. I know it.


Kim said...

I have no respect for either of them and now, more than at anytime in my voting career, will base my vote on VP choices.

With McCain, he will be absolutely deadlocked with a Democratic congress, and thus will accomplish virtually zero, and with Obama, he will have the same congress rubber-stamping anything he proposes, so his will be done.

I am not overjoyed at either prospect.


BTW, who is your "crappy cheese" friend? If he is a fellow Whole Foods person, I can imagine your manager would rather pee in the produce section than risk scheduling your lunches together.....that would be quite a spectacle.

Papa Giorgio said...


If you are speaking of the "Brie Sucks" guy (GoodWood), he was the manager of the specialty dept at our Whole Foods and has since moved to another store back in the Mid-West. He served 6-years in the Army and is a Ron Pauler.
