Saturday, August 9, 2008


“I think it’s fair to say that if you look at recent history, I have moved more quickly and done more on behalf of my opponent than comparable candidates have,” Clinton said at a fundraiser videotaped in Los Altos, California . Most Democratic candidates have not offered endorsements of their former rivals until the convention, said Clinton, who listed Sen. Edward Kennedy (Mass.), former Colorado senator Gary Hart, and former California Governor Jerry Brown.
“A lot of people held out until the convention, kept their delegates, and often waged platform or rules or credential fights,” the New York Democrat said at the event, held to help her retire debt from her primary campaign. “I have made it very clear that I’m supporting Sen. Obama, and that we’re working cooperatively on a lot of different matters.”

Barack Obama has nothing to bitch about when it comes to the support of Hillary Clinton and his campaign. She endorsed him, she actively campaigns for him, she has kept herself on the "down low" for him.
Does Obama have something to bitch about with Bill Clinton? The man he arguably painted a bigot, or at least did not even break a nail to dispel that perception in the media, and with black leaders? The man you called a liar on many different occasions, someone you said failed to reach the bar which should be set for the conduct of former Presidents? No, he has not come out against you. He has made it very clear he is hurt and bitter, and will only show you lukewarm support when asked.
I can't wait to see what he says in his convention speech the night after Hillary gives her speech. Possibly not a good move. Clinton and Carter should be seen, and definitely not heard at the convention. Oh, and by the way, giving Duval Patrick the keynote speech slot will reek of cronyism, and the GOP will have a field day with you if you do, my friend.

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