Wednesday, September 3, 2008


She backs a Human Life Amendment on abortion with no exceptions for rape, incest, or a threat to the health of the mother; she backs the Second Amendment with no exceptions ("gun control only affect and paralyzes law-abiding citizens"); and she takes a position on immigration that would warm Rep. Tom Tancredo's cold heart. She focuses on enforcing "border security," rejects "amnesty" and "en masse legalization's," and promotes English-only legislation. She is "catnip" to evangelicals such as James Dobson who was threatening to pull his support from McCain, and social conservatives everywhere.
Campaign officials said Palin could help them woo a constituency that was important to Clinton and remains skeptical of Obama -- so-called hockey moms and other working-class voters, but this is largely a smokescreen. She is so out there politically that anyone left of a neo-con would run screaming in the night than vote for Palin, despite her plumbing advantage.
Look at her family, her husband was a member of a third party looking to have Alaska succeed from the union, her daughter is impregnated during her junior year of high school by a guy whose MySpace paged looked like a tribute to the word "fuck" and white trash everywhere. Her house is a reality show waiting to happen. Hopefully not at 1600 Pennsylvania avenue.
But lets forget her family for a moment. Here is the bottom line.....she is a far-right wing nutcase. Anyone who believes in shooting wolves and bears from the air so she and other hunters have more caribou to kill, wants creationism taught in public schools and believes a 14 year old who is raped by her uncle should be required by law to keep the baby, is someone who needs to go back to her igloo!

In my opinion, Governor Palin was picked by the evangelical right of the party, and in essence, these Theocrats have taken over the party as a whole. Proof of this is the lack of a vetting process by McCain. Oh, she was the conservative base, and the theocratic wing of the party. McCain, once thought to need a certain "comfort level" with his VP choice, has had this pick rammed down his throat. And as much as McCain hates the pick (preferring a true "maverick" choice such as Benedict Lieberman), he is an old man with one ambition, President before he dies, and if this is what it takes, so be it.

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