Thursday, September 25, 2008


The left has many, many issues with the conservative agenda, and has said so on many occasions. For the most part however, we do not go out of our way to attack them personally, at least in print to the nature and extent that the Republicans do, and with the hate and vigor they have shown, especially as of late.
Take for example, an article I was sent recently from a publication called the American Thinker. I would link it, but it is so judgemental against anyone not sharing their views (the old Bush ism you are either with them, or against them), that I cannot in good conscience lead you towards such a hate filled (albeit God loving Christian) group of writers.
In describing the liberals, this publication explained us away in the following manner......they are tolerant, non-judgemental, non-discriminatory, egalitarian, politically correct, multicultural, globalist and collectivists who are reducing this country into Darwinian animals floundering in an amoral sea of meaninglessness. And oh yes, we are elitist cultural and political Marxists, socialist bastards of the worst kind, who would like nothing more than lead this country to totalitarianism and utter destruction, based solely upon our collective arrogant presumptions that every human being must be accorded his or her natural rights, individual sovereignty and self responsibility to be in harmony with nature.
And they took great pleasure in this diatribe, as if someone with a modicum of intelligence would actually take offense at some of these descriptors. The key buzzword being thrown around at us is egalitarians, as if this was a concept born out of complete ignorance.
Here is a pretty fair definition of the term, and tell me if you take umbrage....Egalitarianism is a political doctrine that holds that all people should be treated as equals, and have the same political, economic, social, and civil rights. Generally it applies to being held equal under the law and society at large. In actual practice, one may be considered an egalitarian in most areas listed above, even if not subscribing to equality in every possible area of individual difference.
Personally, I would like to wear this as a crown. If you are one of those that consider the term an insult, then you just don't get it. At all. If you are one of those that consider this a term of ridicule, perhaps you should get a little better look at what this country stands for. Or move. Or at least stop sending me this absolute rubbish worthy only of lining a bird cage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of absolute rubbish worthy only of lining a bird cage, I've got another example, and I'm very sad to say that it actually comes from the left: I wouldn't exactly put it in the same league as American Thinker, but I do think it's a stoop in that direction, and it has me worried. It's a video of Sarah Silverman trying to get her fellow Jews to vote for Barack Obama. I'm on her side, but I have to say I Hate (with a capital H) this video. First, I really hate it when someone tries to win me over by appealing to my ethnic/religious/whatever background. I thought we (the left) were supposed to be above that sort of thing. Second, she talks about how Jews are so socially conscious and "civil-rightsy," except for our pitiful parents and grandparents in Florida who might vote Republican because they're old and too stupid to know that Barack Obama isn't a Muslim. I'm sorry, but I found this totally insulting. Doesn't she realize that our parents and grandparents are the ones who went on strike and got blacklisted and fought for civil rights way more than we ever did? And don't even get me started on the whole bit about how we should vote for Obama because it's better for Israel. Sheeeesh!!!!! Between this video, and Palin's evangelical rantings, I don't know which Sarah is worse. Perhaps the two sides are more alike than we'd care to admit. Yikes!