Wednesday, January 23, 2008


First, to discuss the economy at a democratic debate (New Hampshire)
First to insist on the Pentagon coming up with an Iraq exit strategy (as a member of the armed forces committee)
First to tackle health care (as the First Lady)
First to realize that the problem isn't Iraq or Iran, it is Pakistan
(as junior Senator of New York)
First Democrat in a long, long time to impress the Republican side of the Senatorial aisle
First to support the African American community from the White House
First to call out Obama for his weak kneed, Kumbaya (sic) style of not saying shit
First to be attacked by the Democratic candidates, and the mainstream media
First, you look at the facts, and extensive experience of Hillary, then you will see that for the nation to rebound, she needs to be the
First female President of the United States

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

excellent commentary