Sunday, January 13, 2008


This morning, Tim Russert and the team behind "Meet the Press" deliberately, and with malice of forethought set out to make it look like Bill Clinton called the Obama campaign a fairy tale. In deliberately only showing the last ten seconds of the Youtube video (which does show the entire quote), they exposed themselves as the yellow journalists that they are.
Clearly, the Clinton quote (in a previous posting on this web site) is about his (Obama's) incorrect and untruthful claim that he opposed the Iraq war from day one, and THAT was a fairy tale. Here is Hillary's response to the unwarranted and viciously untruthful attack.

Additionally, Russert made the claim that Hillary somehow was going around criticizing Martin Luther King. The fact is, Hillary made the correct observation that like MLK, Obama is a very gifted speaker, but words are not action. King took action. Even so, it took LBJ to set King's words into action, which they both together got done.
On a scale from one to ten, just how painfully stupid would you have to be to think Hillary is going to criticize one of our greatest Americans? Especially when campaigning against Barack Obama?
South Carolina knows. The African Americans know. The Clinton family has always been on the side of African Americans, and they never left their sides. That is why the press coined the phrase about Bill "the first Black President," which was meant to be an INSULT to the Clinton's. Of course, as we all know, Bill just smiled, and said thanks for the COMPLIMENT.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did not watch but listened to Meet the Press. Hillary was fantastic and is by far more skilled to be President than any other candidate. The problem, do American people elect the mechanic? or The feel good shop keeper who inspires people to care again? Tough call, and very interesting.